27-30 June 2024
Re(kn)own: Region(s) from Within

Submission Form

Dear applicant, please submit the information requested below as a part of your application. Form for Individual Presentation here.

    Panel Application:

    Upload Abstract or Project Description and Biography (PDF) *(1) Panel description, 2) Abstracts of all papers/projects in a panel,
    3) Biographies of all panelists. * less than 5Mb

    Choose PDF file

    Paper/Project 1 *

    Paper/Project Abstract * (300 words max)

    Paper/Project 2 *

    Paper/Project Abstract * (300 words max)

    Paper/Project 3 *

    Paper/Project Abstract * (300 words max)

    Indicate Field(s)(Select All That Apply):

    Thank you for your submission

    We will notify you about the results of the selection process to your email. RUTA Association