

The RUTA Association for Central, South-Eastern, Eastern European, Baltic, Caucasus, Central and Northern Asian Studies in Global Conversation

The RUTA Association promotes and supports the study of Central, South-Eastern, and Eastern Europe, the Baltic region, the Caucasus region, and Central and Northern Asia. It centres and builds on the knowledges, scholarly traditions and expertise of scholars, artists and social justice advocates in the region(s).

The Association grows from epistemic communities and solidarity networks formed in response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. RUTA fosters awareness and engagement with concerns of diversity, equity and justice in academia and research.

The Association strives to lead and amplify debates on issues concerning the region(s), making them accessible to regional scholars and strengthening their connections with scholars and institutions globally.

RUTA promotes critical research on ongoing imperial and colonial legacies that have shaped the region, relying on the expertise and experiences of affected societies and stimulating social and scholarly responsibility.

The Association will contribute to debates leading to epistemic and cultural reparations and restitution.

The RUTA Association for Central, South-Eastern, Eastern European, Baltic, Caucasus, Central and Northern Asian Studies in Global Conversation

1. Objectives

RUTA promotes and supports the study of Central, South-Eastern, Eastern Europe, the Baltic region, the Caucasus region, and Central and Northern Asia, centering and building on the knowledges, scholarly traditions and expertise of scholars, artists and social justice advocates in the region(s) in a global conversation.
The association is an international, educational, scholarly non-profit organisation.

2. Membership

Any person who is engaged or interested in studying the region(s) and who subscribes to the Association’s membership rules and who pays membership fees may be admitted to membership of the Association. The Association also welcomes institutional members and will help promote collaboration and communication between all partners. All members of the Association have voting rights as regards the selection of members of the Board of Representatives. Each member has one vote.

3. Governance

3.1.     Board of Representatives

The Board of Representatives is the chief governing body of the Association, performing all duties required by the Constitution and Mission Statement.

The Board of Representatives consists of five elected members. The Board of Representatives elects a Spokesperson from the board members. The Spokesperson rotates annually. Representatives are elected for a one-year term with a maximum of three new representatives nominated at the same time. The same association member cannot serve for three consecutive terms on the Board of Representatives. Prior to an election, the Board of Representatives decides which of their members will be replaced in the upcoming election.

The current Board of Representatives organises the elections of the following Board of Representatives, ensuring the diversity of nominees and transparency of the election process. In the case that a member of the Board of Representatives leaves before the end of their specified term, their position will be filled at the following election. In case of equal votes cast for the same nominee of the Board of Representatives, sitting members of the Board of Representatives should break the tie by means of a flip of a coin.

The Board of Representatives selects the annual conference theme. The Board of Representatives initiates and coordinates the work of the Association with the help of the Executive Director.

The Board of Representatives nominates the Association’s ombudsperson from among members of the Board of Representatives. The ombudsperson ensures the organisation’s commitment to its Code of Ethics.

The Board of Representatives decides on initiatives proposed by the Association members.

30% of the Association members can initiate the vote on recalling the Board of Representatives. If 50%+1 votes are cast calling for a recall of the board, then new elections will be organised by the Executive Director and the Advisory Board.

The first Board of Representatives is gathered at the initial stage of the Association organisation at the founding meeting. The first Board of Representatives selects the Executive Director and works towards the establishment of the Association and organisation of the first conference. At the first conference the Board of Representatives will be selected according to the rules stipulated in this Constitution and a new Executive Director will be selected accordingly.

3.2.     Advisory Board

The Advisory Board consists of distinguished individuals representing different academic disciplines, non-governmental organisations, artists, and social justice advocates. At least half of the Advisory Board members should be based in the region at the time of being appointed. The Advisory Board’s task is to evaluate and advise on the Association’s activities, give recommendations on these activities, and maintain the Association’s connections to research communities and the public. Members of the Advisory Board can be members of the Association.

Members of the Advisory Board are proposed by the Board of Representatives and voted by the Association members. The Advisory Board meets to discuss various themes at least once per year.

3.3.     Executive Director

The Executive Director reports to the Board of Representatives and has managerial and operational responsibility for the Association. The Executive Director collaborates closely with the Board of Representatives to ensure the Association’s mission and activities. The Executive Director acts as a Treasurer.

4. General Meetings

The Executive Director reports to the Board of Representatives and has managerial and operational responsibility for the Association. The Executive Director collaborates closely with the Board of Representatives to ensure the Association’s mission and activities. The Executive Director acts as a Treasurer.

4.1. The Association is required to convene a minimum of one General Meeting annually. One General Meeting shall occur during the annual conference. The Board of Representatives, the Spokesperson, or the Executive Director has the authority to call for an Extraordinary General Meeting at any point in time. The General Meeting can take place both in person and online.

4.2. Decisions of a General Meeting are valid only if a quorum of 10% members is present at the time a decision is taken.

4.3. Any changes to this Constitution shall be made at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall require the votes of not less than two-thirds of the members present in person or online. The Board of Representatives or two-thirds of the members of the Association may propose amendments or by-laws to the Constitution by sending the text of the proposed amendments to the Spokesperson at least six weeks before the General Meeting at which it is to be considered. All proposals should be considered at the General Meeting.

4.4. The Association’s primary purpose, as outlined in paragraph 1 of this Constitution, along with this paragraph and the dissolution provisions that follow this paragraph, shall remain unaltered. Additionally, no modifications shall be made to the remaining paragraphs that could result in the Association’s dissolution, or alteration of its status as a legal non-profit organisation.

4.5. The Annual General Meeting shall elect an Auditor. The Auditor shall be a member of the Association but not a serving member on the Board of Representatives. The candidate with the highest number of votes will be elected as the Auditor. The Auditor shall serve until the subsequent Annual General Meeting and may only serve one term in a row. The Treasurer is responsible for annually presenting the accounts to the Auditor, along with any supplementary evidence required to illustrate the complete financial status of the Association. The Auditor will ensure that funds have been spent on expenditure relevant to the Association. Following the audit, the accounts for each fiscal year shall be presented at the subsequent Annual General Meeting and circulated with the meeting agenda.

4.6. The Association can be dissolved through a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present in person or online and voting at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened specifically for this purpose. Members shall receive a written notice at least thirty days prior to the meeting. The resolution may include instructions for the disposition of assets held by or in the name of the Association. However, any remaining property, after settling all debts and liabilities, shall not be distributed among the members but instead be given or transferred to another non-profit organisation or institutions with objectives similar to those of the Association.

4.7. RUTA’s inaugural conference, and subsequent annual conferences, will take place in Ukraine. This decision reflects RUTA’s continued and ongoing solidarity with Ukraine and its people against Russia’s war of agression , and demonstrates our commitment to collaborating with Ukrainian scholars on projects that develop and rebuild academic structures adversely affected by the war. 

In addition, RUTA will organise and sponsor academic events throughout the year in other RUTA region(s). The RUTA Association welcomes suggestions for such events from all members.


The address of the Association shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director of the Association. Members are individually responsible for reporting to the Association at its address, the address to which the agenda of General Meetings and the accounts should be sent.